There are countless people who dedicate their lives to improving the infrastructure of this country. They fill potholes, expand highways, put up buildings, and make sure that everyone can travel safely from place to place on a daily basis. Unfortunately,...
There are countless people who dedicate their lives to improving the infrastructure of this country. They fill potholes, expand highways, put up buildings, and make sure that everyone can travel safely from place to place on a daily basis. Unfortunately, anyone who has spent time in the construction industry understands that the heavy equipment, location of the work, and nature of the industry can predispose people to serious injuries.
These injuries can lead to expensive medical bills that can financially cripple a family. Anyone who is injured on the job should understand that there may be avenues for financial recourse and recovery in the wake of an accident.
Auto-Related Injuries
Unfortunately, this is a common reason that construction zone workers are injured. When drivers pull up to a construction zone, they may become angry and frustrated that they're in for a lengthy delay. Some drivers may wait until the last minute before moving out of the lane that is disappearing. If they don't pay attention and move over quickly, the car could wind up barrelling through the cones and into construction workers on the other side. This can lead to severe injuries, especially if the car is traveling at high speed. The driver should be held responsible.
Injuries Related to Heavy Equipment
There are numerous pieces of heavy equipment at a construction site. This could include a backhoe, a tractor, a dump truck, a cement mixer, or anything in between. While these machines can make construction jobs more efficient, they also represent common reasons for severe injury. Even something as small as a nail gun could misfire and lead to a serious injury. Any injury resulting from equipment deserves to be investigated completely to discover the reason why.
Much of the equipment and many of the materials in a construction zone are flammable. It is important that these materials are clearly identified and contain clear instructions regarding their safe use and potential hazards. Without these markings, people may not realize that the materials are dangerous and could wind up causing serious injury. People should use extreme caution around all materials in a construction site to minimize the chance of injury.
Hire an Experienced Attorney for a Successful Outcome
This is only a sample of the many injuries that people can sustain in the construction industry. Anyone who has been injured on the job should contact an experienced legal attorney for a review of their case. Many people who are injured in construction zone accidents are injured in accidents that could have been avoided. If this accident places construction workers out of work for an extended period of time, they may lose their income in addition to having to pay for expensive medical bills.
These represent potential reasons for filing a lawsuit or a workers' compensation claim with the help of an experienced attorney. There may be ways to receive compensation for construction zone injuries.
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